
*denotes student author; **denotes postdoc mentee; #contributed equally; download PDF by clicking on the publication number

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In Prep or submitted

*Tweedy, R.R., Strömberg, C.A.E., Reichgelt, T., Kinyanjui, R.N., Kimeu, M., Munyaka, V., Uno, K.T., (in revision). African C3 Grass n-Alkane Distributions & Plant Chemotaxonomy. Organic Geochemistry

Braun, D.R., Palcu, D.V., Advokaat, E.L.L., Archer, W., Baraki, N.G., Biernat, M., Beaudoin, E., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Bobe, R., Elmes, K., Forrest, F., Hammond, A.S., Jovane, L., Kinyanjui, R.N., Martini, A.P.d., Mason, P., McGrosky, A., Munga, J., Ndeima, E.K., Patterson, D.B., Reeves, J.S., Roman, D.C., Sier, M.J., Srivastava, P., Tuosto, K., Uno, K. T., Villaseñor, A., Wynn, J.G., Harris, J.W.K., Carvalho, S., (in revision). Early Oldowan Technology Thrived During Pliocene Environmental Change in the Turkana Basin, Kenya. Nature Communications.

#Martin, J.E., #Uno, K.T., Merceron, G., Brown, M., Dodat, P., Souron, A., Hlusko, L., Guy, F., Balter, V., Boisserie, J.-R., (submitted). The diverse diet of Paranthropus #contributed equally

**Green, D.R., Uno, K.T., Miller, E.R., Feibel, C.S., Aaron, E.E., Beck, C., Grossman, A., Kirera, F.M., Kirinya, M.M., Leakey, L., Liutkus-Pierce, C., Manthi, F.K., Ndiema, E.K., Nengo, I., Nyete, C., Rowan, J., Russo, G.R., Sanders, W.J., Smiley, T.M., Princehouse, P., Vitek, N., Cleland, T.P., (in revision). 29 million years of diverse mammalian proteomes recovered from the East African Rift System. Nature

Patterson, D.B., Negash, E.W., Uno, K.T., Malasek, T., and Cerling, T.E., (accepted). The isotopic context of Paranthropus within the East African Rift System.


50. Yang D., Podkovyroff, K., Uno, K.T., Bowen, G.J., Fernandez, D.P., Cerling, T.E., (2025), Strontium isotope mapping of elephant enamel supports a micro-sampling and modeling workflow to reconstruct past migrations, Nature Communications Biology.

49. Fehringer, L.K., Beck, C.C., Leakey, L.N., Princehouse, P., Rowan, J., Russo, G.A., Teaford, M.F., Uno, K.T., Ungar, P.S. (in press). Dental microwear of Neogene Cercopithecoids from the Turkana Basin, Kenya. J. Hum. Evol.

48. **Green, D.R., Smith, T.M., Olack, G., Williams, I., #Colman, A.S., #Uno, K.T. (2025). How teeth record and attenuate seasonal signals, Journal of Archaeological Science


47. McLean, D., Horn, E.L., Aguiar, S., Barton, N., Brown, R., Carolin, S., Day, C., Kuhlmann, H., Kutterolf, S., **Mitsunaga, B., O'Mara, N.A., Pacheco, J.M., Pimentel, A., Ramalho, R.S., Schindlbeck-Belo, J.C., Stoetzel, E., Styring, A., Uno, K.T., Vidyarthi, V., Xu, Y., Smith, V.C. (2024). Opportunities to synchronise and date archaeological and climate records in Northwest Africa using volcanic ash (tephra) layers. Libyan Studies, 1-21.

46. Negash E. W., Alemseged Z., Barr W. A., Behrensmeyer A. K., Blumenthal S. A., Bobe R., Carvalho S., Cerling T. E., Chritz K. L., McGuire E., Uno K. T., Wood B. A. and Wynn J. G. (2024). Modern African ecosystems as landscape-scale analogues for reconstructing woody cover and early hominin environments. J. Hum. Evol

45. Caley, T., Souron, A., Uno, K.T., Macho, G.A. (2024). Climate and Human Evolution: Insights from Marine Records. Annual Reviews of Marine Science.

44. *Yang, D., Uno, K.T., Cerling, T.E., Mwebi, O., Leakey, L.N., Grine, F.E., Souron, A. (2024) Intra-tooth stable isotope analysis reveals seasonal dietary variability and niche partitioning among bushpigs/red river hogs and warthogs. Current Zoology.


43. Hönisch, B., Royer, D., Breecker, D., Polissar, P., Bowen, G., Henehan, M., Cui, Y, Cui, Steinthorsdottir, M., McElwain, J., Kohn, M., Pearson, A., Phelps, S., Uno K. T., Ridgwell, A., and 69 others (2023) Towards a Cenozoic History of Atmospheric CO2. Science.

42. **Lupien R., Uno K. T., Rose C. A., DeRoberts N., Hazan C., deMenocal P. B. and Polissar P. J. (2023) Low-frequency orbital variations controlled climatic and environmental cycles, amplitudes, and trends in northeast Africa during the Plio-Pleistocene. Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 360.

41. Yang D., Bowen G. J., Uno K. T., Podkovyroff K., Carpenter N., Fernandez D. P. and Cerling T. E. (2023) BITS: a Bayesian Isotope Turnover and Sampling model for strontium isotopes in proboscideans and its potential utility in movement ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

40. Villaseñor A., Uno K. T., Kinyanjui R., Behrensmeyer A. K., Bobe R., Advokaat E. L., Bamford M., Carvalho S. C., Hammond A. S., Palcu D. V., Sier M. J., Ward C. V. and Braun D. R. (2023) Pliocene hominins from East Turkana were associated with humid, grassy woodlands in a semiarid basin. J. Hum. Evol, 180, 103385.

39. Peppe D. J., Cote S. M., Deino A. L., Fox D. L., Kingston J. D., Kinyanjui R. N., Lukens W. E., MacLatchy L. M., Novello A., Strömberg C. A. E., Driese S. G., Garrett N. D., Hillis K. R., Jacobs B. F., Jenkins K. E. H., Kityo R. M., Lehmann T., Manthi F. K., Mbua E. N., Michel L. A., Miller E. R., Mugume A. A. T., Muteti S. N., Nengo I. O., Oginga K. O., Phelps S. R., Polissar P., Rossie J. B., Stevens N. J., Uno K. T. and McNulty K. P. (2023) Oldest evidence of abundant C4 grasses and habitat heterogeneity in eastern Africa. Science, 380, 173-177.

38. MacLatchy L. M., Cote S. M., Deino A. L., Kityo R. M., Mugume A. A. T., Rossie J. B., Sanders W. J., Cosman M. N., Driese S. G., Fox D. L., Freeman A. J., Jansma R. J. W., Jenkins K. E. H., Kinyanjui R. N., Lukens W. E., McNulty K. P., Novello A., Peppe D. J., Strömberg C. A. E., Uno K. T., Winkler A. J. and Kingston J. D. (2023) The evolution of hominoid locomotor versatility: Evidence from Moroto, a 21 Ma site in Uganda. Science, 380, eabq2835.

37. Karp A. T., Uno K. T., Berke M. A., Russell J. M., Scholz C. A., Marlon J. R., Faith J. T. and Staver A. C. (2023) Nonlinear rainfall effects on savanna fire activity across the African Humid Period. Quaternary Science Reviews, 304, 107994.; SI Text


36. Grohé, C., Uno, K.T. and Boisserie, J.R. (2022) Lutrinae (Carnivora, Mustelidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of the Lower Omo Valley, southwestern Ethiopia: systematics and new insights into the paleoecology and paleobiogeography of the Turkana otters. Comptes Rendus Palevol . SI Tables

35. Rowan, J., Princehouse, P., Kinyanjui, R.N. and Uno, K.T. (2022) Isaiah Odhiambo Nengo (1961–2022). Nature Ecology & Evolution.

34. Patterson, D., Du, A., Faith, J.T., Rowan, J., Uno, K.T., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Braun, D.R. and Wood, B.A. (2022) Did vegetation change drive the extinction of Paranthropus boisei? J. Hum. Evol.

33. Uno, K.T. and Bibi, F. (2022) Stable isotope paleoecology of the late Miocene Baynunah Formation, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in: Bibi, F., Kraatz, B., Beech, M. (Eds.), Sands of Time. Springer-Verlag.


32. Borić, D., Cristiani, E., Hopkins, R., Schwenninger, J.-L., Gerometta, K., French, C.A.I., Mutri, G., Ćalić, J., Dimitrijević, V., Marin-Arroyo, A.B., Jones, J.R., Stevens, R., Masciana, A., Uno, K., Korzow-Richter, K., Antonović, D., Wehr, K., Lane, C. and White, D. (2021) Neanderthals on the Lower Danube: Middle Palaeolithic evidence in the Danube Gorges of the Balkans. Journal of Quaternary Science.

31. Lupien, R.L., Russell, J.M., Subramanian, A., Kinyanjui, R., Beverly, E.J., Uno, K.T., de Menocal, P., Dommain, R. and Potts, R. (2021) Eastern African environmental variation and its role in the evolution and cultural change of Homo over the last 1 million years. J. Hum. Evol. 157, 103028.

30. Polissar, P.J., Uno, K.T., Phelps, S.P., Karp, A.T., Freeman, K.H. and Pensky, J.L. (2021) Hydrologic Changes Drove the Late Miocene Expansion of C4 Grasslands on the Northern Indian Subcontinent. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36, e2020PA004108.

29. Karp, A.T., Uno, K.T., Polissar, P.J. and Freeman, K.H. (2021) Late Miocene C4 grassland fire feedbacks on the Indian Subcontinent. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36, e2020PA004106.

28. Hammond, A.S., Mavuso, S.S., Biernat, M., Braun, D.R., Jinnah, Z., Kuo, S., Melaku, S., Wemanya, S.N., Ndiema, E., Patterson, D.B., Uno, K.T. and Palcu, D.V. (2021) New context and hominin fossils from the KNM-ER 2598 locality in East Turkana, Kenya. Nature Communications, 12, 1939.


27. de la Torre, I., Benito-Calvo, A., Bibi, F., Njau, J., Pei, S., Rivals, F., Haowen, T., Uno, K.T., Varela, S. and Wu, X. (2020) Perspectives on the biogeographic and cultural adaptations of early humans during the first intercontinental dispersals, in: Díaz-del-Río, P., Lillios, K., Sastre, I.s. (Eds.), The Matter of Prehistory: papers in honor of Antonio Gilman Guillén, Madrid, Spain, pp. 73-84.

26. Potts, R., Dommain, R., Moerman, J.W., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Deino, A.L., Riedl, S., Beverly, E.J., Brown, E.T., Deocampo, D., Kinyanjui, R., Lupien, R., Owen, R.B., Rabideaux, N., Russell, J.M., Stockhecke, M., deMenocal, P., Faith, J.T., Garcin, Y., Noren, A., Scott, J.J., Western, D., Bright, J., Clark, J.B., Cohen, A.S., Keller, C.B., King, J., Levin, N.E., Brady Shannon, K., Muiruri, V., Renaut, R.W., Rucina, S.M. and Uno, K.T. (2020) Increased ecological resource variability during a critical transition in hominin evolution. Science Advances 6, eabc8975.

25. Uno, K.T., Fisher, D.C., Schuster, G.T., Wittemyer, G., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Omondi, P., Litoroh, M. and Cerling, T.E. (2020b) High-resolution stable isotope profiles of modern elephant (Loxodonta africana) tusk dentin and tail hair from Kenya: implications for identifying seasonal variability in climate, ecology, and diet in ancient proboscideans. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. SI Text; SI Figs; SI Tables

24. *Yang, D., Uno, K.T., Souron, A., McGrath, K., Pubert , E. and Cerling, T.E. (2020) Intra-tooth stable isotope variations in warthog canines and third molars: implications for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Chemical Geology. SI Text and Figs; SI Tables

23. Uno, K.T., Fisher, D., Wittemyer, G., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Carpenter, N., Omondi, P. and Cerling, T.E. (2020a) Forward and inverse methods for extracting climate and diet information from stable isotope profiles in proboscidean molars. Quaternary International. SI Text and Figs; SI Tables

22. Polissar, P.J., Rose, C., Uno, K.T., Phelps, S.R. and deMenocal, P. (2020) Reply to: Multiple drivers of Miocene C4 ecosystem expansions. Nature Geoscience 13, 465-467.


21. Polissar, P.J., Rose, C., Uno, K.T., Phelps, S.R. and deMenocal, P. (2019) Synchronous rise of African C4 ecosystems 10 million years ago in the absence of aridification. Nature Geoscience 12, 657-660.

20. Lukens, W.E., Fox, D.L., Snell, K.E., Wiest, L.A., Layzell, A.L., Uno, K.T., Polissar, P.J., Martin, R.A., Fox-dobbs, K. and Pelaez-campomanes, P. (2019) Pliocene Paleoenvironments in the Meade Basin, Southwest Kansas, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research 89, 416-439.


19. Uno, K.T., Rivals, F., Bibi, F., Pante, M., Njau, J. and de la Torre, I. (2018) Large mammal diets and paleoecology across the Oldowan-Acheulean transition at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania from stable isotope and tooth wear analyses. Journal of Human Evolution. 120, 76-91. SI Text and Figs; SI Tables


18. Rivals, F., Uno, K.T., Bibi, F., Pante, M.C., Njau, J. and de la Torre, I. (2017) Dietary traits of the ungulates from the HWK EE site at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): Diachronic changes and seasonality. Journal of Human Evolution.


17. Uno, K.T., Polissar, P.J., *Kahle, E., Feibel, C., Harmand, S., Roche, H. and deMenocal, P.B. (2016b) A Pleistocene palaeovegetation record from plant wax biomarkers from the Nachukui Formation, West Turkana, Kenya. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 371, 10. SI Tables

16. Uno, K.T., Polissar, P.J., *Jackson, K.E. and deMenocal, P.B. (2016a) Neogene biomarker record of vegetation change in eastern Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 6355-6363. SI Tables

15. Cerling, T.E., Barnette, J.E., Chesson, L.A., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Gobush, K.S., Uno, K.T., Wasser, S.K. and Xu, X. (2016) Radiocarbon dating of seized ivory confirms rapid decline in African elephant populations and provides insight into illegal trade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.113, 13330-13335.


14. Saarinen, J., Karme, A., Cerling, T., Uno, K., Saila, L., Kasiki, S., Ngene, S., Obari, T., Mbua, E., Manthi, F.K. and Fortelius, M. (2015) A New Tooth Wear-Based Dietary Analysis Method for Proboscidea (Mammalia). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35, e918546.

13. Kusaka, S., Uno, K.T., Nakano, T., Nakatsukasa, M. and Cerling, T.E. (2015) Carbon isotope ratios of human tooth enamel record the evidence of terrestrial resource consumption during the Jomon period, Japan. Am J Phys Anthropol 158, 300-311.

12. Fox, D., Martin, R.A., Roepke, E., Fetrow, A., *Fischer-Femal, B., Uno, K.T., Fox-Dobbs, K., Snell, K.E., Haveles, A.W. and Polissar, P.J. (2015) Biotic and Abiotic Forcing During the Transition to Modern Grassland Ecosystems: Evolutionary and Ecological Responses of Small Mammal Communities Over the Last 5 Million Years. The Paleontological Society Papers: Earth Life Transitions, Paleobiology in the Context of Earth System Evolution 21, 197-218.

11. Cerling, T.E., Andanje, S.A., Blumenthal, S.A., Brown, F.H., Chritz, K.L., Harris, J.M., Hart, J.A., Kirera, F.M., Kaleme, P., Leakey, L.N., Leakey, M.G., Levin, N.E., Manthi, F.K., Passey, B.H. and Uno, K.T. (2015) Dietary changes of large herbivores in the Turkana Basin, Kenya from 4 to 1 Ma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, 11467-11472.


10. Patnaik, R., Cerling, T.E., Uno, K.T. and Fleagle, J.G. (2014) Diet and habitat of Siwalik primates Indopithecus, Sivaladapis and Theropithecus. Annales Zoologici Fennici 51, 123-142.


9. Uno, K.T., Quade, J., Fisher, D.C., Wittemyer, G., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Andanje, S., Omondi, P., Litoroh, M. and Cerling, T.E. (2013) Bomb-curve radiocarbon measurement of recent biologic tissues and applications to wildlife forensics and stable isotope (paleo)ecology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110, 11736-11741. SI Tables

8. Moore, P.L., Iverson, N.R., Uno, K.T., Dettinger, M.P., Brugger, K.A. and Jansson, P. (2013) Entrainment and emplacement of englacial debris bands near the margin of Storglaciaren, Sweden. Boreas 42, 71-83.

7. Kimura, Y., Jacobs, L.L., Cerling, T.E., Uno, K.T., Ferguson, K.M., Flynn, L.J. and Patnaik, R. (2013) Fossil Mice and Rats Show Isotopic Evidence of Niche Partitioning and Change in Dental Ecomorphology Related to Dietary Shift in Late Miocene of Pakistan. Plos One 8, e69308.

6. Cerling, T.E., Manthi, F.K., Mbua, E.N., Leakey, L.N., Leakey, M.G., Leakey, R.E., Brown, F.H., Grine, F.E., Hart, J.A., Kaleme, P., Roche, H., Uno, K.T. and Wood, B.A. (2013) Stable isotope-based diet reconstructions of Turkana Basin hominins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110, 10501-10506.

5. Bibi, F., Souron, A., Bocherens, H., Uno, K.T. and Boisserie, J.R. (2013) Ecological change in the lower Omo Valley around 2.8 Ma. Biology Letters 9, 20120890.


4. Macharia, A.N., Uno, K.T., Cerling, T.E. and Brown, F.H. (2012) Isotopically distinct modern carbonates in abandoned livestock corrals in northern Kenya. Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 2198-2205.


3. Cerling, T.E., Mbua, E., Kirera, F.M., Manthi, F.K., Grine, F.E., Leakey, M.G., Sponheimer, M., Uno, K.T. and Lee-Thorp, J. (2011) Reply to Godfrey et al.: Outside the box. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, E743-E743.

2. Cerling, T.E., Mbua, E., Kirera, F.M., Manthi, F.K., Grine, F.E., Leakey, M.G., Sponheimer, M. and Uno, K.T. (2011) Diet of Paranthropus boisei in the early Pleistocene of East Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 9337-9341.

1. Uno, K.T., Cerling, T.E., Harris, J.M., Kunimatsu, Y., Leakey, M.G., Nakatsukasa, M. and Nakaya, H. (2011) Late Miocene to Pliocene carbon isotope record of differential diet change among East African herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 6509-6514. SI Text ; SI and Main MS Tables