Our research group utilizes four main laboratory spaces for our research. Three are on the Harvard Campus and one is in Kenya. There are links below to each lab facility.
In addition to Harvard’s Community Conduct, our lab follows the Ten Simple Rules for Building an Anti-racist Lab by V. Bala Chaudhary and Asmeret Asefaw Berhe (2020):
Rule 1: Lead informed discussions about anti-racism in your lab regularly
Rule 2. Address racism in your lab and field safety guidelines
Rule 3: Publish papers and write grants with BIPOC colleagues
Rule 4: Evaluate your lab’s mentoring practices
Rule 5: Amplify voices of BIPOC scientists in your field
Rule 6: Support POC in their efforts to organize
Rule 7: Intentionally recruit BIPOC students and staff
Rule 8: Adopt a dynamic research agenda
Rule 9: Advocate for racially diverse leadership in science
Rule 10: Hold the powerful accountable and don’t expect gratitude
Former lab manager Helen Habicht drying down samples in the Organic Geochem Lab.
Organic Geochemistry Lab
The Organic Geochemistry Lab at Harvard is shared by PI’s Ann Pearson and Kevin Uno. Kevin moved into Ann’s lab, which she graciously opened to share as PIs, over the summer and fall of 2023. It is managed by Susie Carter.
A reminder that I used to do more lab work. Photo: Pratigya Polissar
Stable Isotope Lab
The Stable Isotope Lab at Harvard is currently mostly run by Dave Johnston, but Ann Pearson, Elsie Sunderland and me pitch in. It is managed by Julien Foriel. My group analyzes plant wax biomarkers, PAHs, and other compounds on a Trace GC-IsoLink coupled to a Delta V Plus IRMS. We analyze tooth enamel (hydroxyapatite) and carbonates on a Kiel IV coupled to a dual-inlet Thermo 253 IRMS.
The PERMILab, located at Mpala Research Centre in Kenya, is the only stable isotope lab in eastern Africa. The lab was constructed in 2019 with NSF support and the design is based on the previous stable isotope lab established by Kelly Caylor. The PERMILab supports research, teaching and training in stable isotope ecology for international and Kenyan students and scientists. The new lab is house alongside new Genetics Labs dedicated to DNA and hormone analysis for ecological and wildlife research.
Lablife by Emma Gometz (@gymclothescomix); April 2021
Sample Prep Lab
The Sample Prep Lab is located in Peabody Museum 58H and 59E-G. This where we process sediment samples (paleosols, lake sediments, and core samples) prior to ASE extraction and biomarker analysis. We also drill hard tissues such as ivory, tooth enamel, and bone, and chemically pretreat them.